
Friday, May 24, 2019

18 - Book Review: "Best. Movie. Year. Ever.: How 1999 Blew Up the Big Screen"

Best. Movie. Year. Ever.: How 1999 Blew Up the Big Screen

By Brian Raftery

Reviewed by John Sanidopoulos

When it comes to movies, 1999 was a pivotal year for me. I suddenly found myself going to the movies not only every weekend, but often more than once a week. Before 1999, I would only go to the movies either to watch something I was really interested in, or because I had nothing else to do, and movies were always an enjoyable alternative. Though my interest in film greatly grew towards the end of 1998, 1999 cemented my growing interest. At the time I thought I merely had a sudden awakening to a reality I never understood before, in addition to the fact that I had just recently graduated college, became married and moved to a new and less exciting city. But over time I realized that there was something special about movies and the year 1999. I had not fully understood it until I recently picked up the book Best. Movie. Year. Ever.: How 1999 Blew Up the Big Screen by Brian Raftery.